- What about women in politics? 女性从政你认为怎样?
- No matter what we talk about, Jim drags in politics. 无论我们谈什么,吉姆总要插嘴谈及政治。
- The mother has an additional influence on her sons: she not only gives them clues to what they will find attractive in a mate,but also affects how they feel about women in general. 母亲对儿子有一个额外影响:她不仅影响孩子如何选择配偶,而且对如何总体看待女人起了潜移默化的作用。
- Is she a role model for women in politics or just another lying weasel? 她究竟是女人从政的角色模范或者只是狡猾奸诈的鼬?
- The mother has an additional influence on her sons: she not only gives them clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects how they feel about women in general. 母亲对儿子有一个额外影响:她不仅影响孩子如何选择配偶,而且对如何总体看待女人起了潜移默化的作用。
- But what about being caught in a heavy rain? 但要是遇到一场大雨,那怎么办呢?
- No matter what we talk about,Jim drags in politics. 无论我们谈什么,吉姆总要插嘴谈及政治。
- There are different originally annotation about women in botb male and female writers' works. 男性作家和女性作家在文本中对于女人有不同的诠释。
- Compared with the women in the same period in western Europe and Moslem women in the East, Byzantine women enjoyed more chances to participate in politics and economic life. 相比于同时期西欧的妇女以及东方的穆斯林妇女,这个时期拜占廷的妇女有更多机会参与政治和经济生活。
- He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有从政的雄心壮志。
- The second one begins with ideology, discusses the evolution of Greek views about women since Crete civilization and especially emphasizes on the Athenian views about women in ancient time. 第二部分从社会意识形态入手,探讨了自克里特文明以来的希腊妇女观的演变历程,并着重论述了古典时期雅典人的妇女观。
- The old man decided not to mix in politics. 那位老人决定不参与政治。
- What about lending me some money? 借点钱给我如何?
- He is not interested in politics. 他不喜欢政治。
- What about washing the car on Sunday? 礼拜天洗车怎么样?
- Newborn babies bring out the woman in her. 新生的婴儿唤起了她女性的特性。
- He took a flier in politics soon after getting his degree. 取得学位后不久,他就从事政治投机活动。
- What about the question of security? 安全的问题怎麽办?
- That party hack is just in politics for the money. 那位政客从政的目的只是为了钱。
- What about a cup of hot chocolate? 想喝一杯热巧克力牛奶吗?